
14 Actors Whose Real Height Is Starkly Different From How ...

For your information: Hardy is 5'9″ inches, and Bale is 6′. Miley Cyrus. © The Last Song / Touchstone Pictures and co-producers, ...

5'7 Rami Malek and 6ft Christian Bale. Both looking equally ...

2023年3月31日 — It looks like a 4 height difference at most.

Christian Bale

Christian Charles Philip Bale (born 30 January 1974) is an English actor. Known for his versatility and physical transformations for his roles, ...

Christian Bale Dimensions & Drawings

Christian Bale has a height of 6'0” (1.83 m).

Christian Bale Height

Christian Bale height is 5ft 11 ¾ or 182.2 cm tall. Discover more Celebrity Heights and Vote on how tall you think any Celebrity is!

Christian Bale Height

2022年9月23日 — How tall is The Dark Knight's Christian Bale, actually? In fact, he stands a little bit shorter than his character in the film.

Christian Bale Once Lost 3 Inches of Height Because of His ...

2024年2月22日 — Christian Bale Once Lost 3 Inches of Height Because of His Method Acting: 'Enough Already'. Christian Bale's method acting in 'American Hustle' ...


Foryourinformation:Hardyis5'9″inches,andBaleis6′.MileyCyrus.©TheLastSong/TouchstonePicturesandco-producers, ...,2023年3月31日—Itlookslikea4heightdifferenceatmost.,ChristianCharlesPhilipBale(born30January1974)isanEnglishactor.Knownforhisversatilityandphysicaltransformationsforhisroles, ...,ChristianBalehasaheightof6'0”(1.83m).,ChristianBaleheightis5ft11¾or182.2cmtall.DiscovermoreCelebrityHeight...